Yoda Almost Didn't Make It - But Now He Has a New Family!

Cute Rescue Kittens CatCuddles

Did anyone spot the photo of the extra kitten we snuck into our introduction to Candy and her kittens? Little Yoda now has a family to call his own 😻 Yoda is estimated to be just a week older than Nougat, Jellybean, Smartie, Jazzle, Bonbon and Liquorice.

You may remember that at the tender age of five weeks old, Yoda was given a diagnosis of fading kitten syndrome, which gave us many a sleepless night. He was part of an accidental litter abandoned by their mother, Yoda was rushed to the CatCuddles Cat Clinic severely underweight, with a low temperature, flea infestation, bloody diarrhea and a high risk of developing pneumonia.


Even with constant, intensive care, his chances of survival were uncertain. Yoda was fostered by our Head Veterinary Nurse and whilst still small he has come on leap and bounds. We will never give up on a feline we can help and Yoda is no exception.

Yoda arrived in his foster home wearing a tiny jacket to keep him warm. Now that he has six other furry little bodies to snuggle with as well as a welcoming feline foster mum in Candy, the jacket is not needed. Though tiny he is one of the most active and adventurous of the seven kittens. There are 3 black and white kittens and Yoda is easily recognisable, not just due to him being smol but because he hasn’t quite grasped the importance of washing after a meal 😹

Thank you to everyone who has cared for Yoda, and thanks to his current fosterers who so seasoned and caring they are, upon hearing it would actually be 7 kittens plus Candy they’d be fostering simply said “what’s one more?”. Of course we would also like to say thank you to everyone who donated towards Yoda’s care and sent well wishes 💖.

After months of cats and kittens with complicated health, we were not financially prepared for the arrival of Candy and her family but are very pleased to have them with us. Candy and her elder kittens, Treacle and Biscuit (who are fostered elsewhere), have all been neutered and received their first vaccination, flea and worming treatment (for Candy of course something suitable for a nursing mum). The whole family has been microchipped and in time all the kittens will have their flea treatment, continued to be wormed monthly and vaccinated.

Yoda Cute Kitten Collage

With London now in high alert we are of course once again understandably seeing cancellations not just of catsits but also visits to meet our cats, yet our work still continues. If you have already donated we are not asking for more, but instead we ask you to share so others who may be interested in supporting us can in whatever way they can have the opportunity to do so in whatever way may be comfortable. Our bank details are on our website for those who would prefer to set up a monthly direct debit.
